Kid's Corner

Darien is a town full of children. The town offers five elementary schools, one middle school, and Darien High School, all consistently rated a 10 on a scale of 10. Further, Hindley Elementary and Middlesex Middle School also are recognized as National Blue Ribbon Schools, a distinction for schools that have achieved high levels of student achievement or made significant improvements in closing the achievement gap among student subgroups.

There is an abundance of activities in the social, arts and athletic areas. Facilities like Darien Nature Center and the YMCA offer camps and programs. There is a complete range of sports starting at an early age, preschools (Holly Pond School at the YMCA, Noroton Tot Drop, and several more — should we list them all or just suggest a few?), The Darien Depot for Teens (runs education courses and social events). Theatre and dance through Darien Art Center, a local movie theatre, two beaches with playground areas, shops like Kirby Girl and an ice hockey rink.

There also is access to Stamford and Norwalk for facilities that include GetAir, Chelsea Piers Stamford, bowling and Stepping Stones Museum.

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    Darien Board of Realtors, Inc.

    25 Old Kings Hwy N., Suite 13

    Darien, CT 06820

    (203) 914-7651