The Darien Nature Center is a unique, free, open-to-the-public organization that provides nature education through hands-on experiences for individuals of all ages. It offers preschool programs, weekly Storytime with the Animals, Darien Public School field trips, and activities for kids, seniors, and those with special needs.
You will be hard pressed to find a community organization that touches so many people and groups in the community of Darien and the surrounding areas. Donations and grants from groups such as the Horizon Foundation and the Darien Foundation make many of the activities at the Darien Nature Center possible.
The Darien Nature Center envisions a community that is deeply connected to nature and inspired to take action to preserve and protect it. Check out their Winter/Spring programs! The Nature Center is located at Cherry Lawn Park, 120 Brookside Road, Darien, CT.
Visit their website to get involved or to sign up, schedule, or book an event today!